Laughing Stock

Laughing Stock

Have we seen it yet? I ask collectively. No? I’ll wait. See you in 30 seconds…

Jaguar, the champion of British values and creator of the E-Type, has rebranded. Quite a striking rebrand at that. By striking, I mean farcical. From the initial technicoloured TV advert, it’s very clear they mean business. What business? Don’t know. Something on the lines of an amateur talent show perhaps, reminding us all that just because you’re unique, doesn’t mean you’re useful.   

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and it pains me to do so as I have always been a Jaag-man, but this rebrand could be the worst thing to happen to cats since dogs.

There is bound to be casualties from this rebrand. 85% if you want to put a number on it. ‘Le Grand Fromage’ at Jaguar estimates only 15% of existing customers will ever visit a showroom again. It’s a bold strategy. Alienate your current customers whilst attracting…who exactly? 

– Callum